Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions:
I often am asked questions about hypnosis and smoking.

The ones I get the most often are:

1) Does it really, really work?
Yes, it does, very well! In my work, the overall success rate is over 95%, better than most other strategies.  It does so well because the system I employ changes your mental programming and resets your neurology.

My colleague, Richard Nongard, put this together to answer the “Does it work?” question: 101 proofs about Hypnosis.

2) You won’t give up secrets, you won’t be doing things you don’t want to do and you will definitely not become a zombie!

Hypnosis is more of a “really aware” state of being.  Sort of like that drifty feeling you get sometimes when you wake up and just lie in bed, letting thoughts drift even as you notice sounds, for example, that normally you wouldn’t.  You still are “in charge”, but you are very relaxed.

3) How long have you been doing this?
Well, I’ve been a hypnotist for over 17 years. My “previous” work was as a computer science professor for 38 years at Jacksonville University, though now I “hack” the organic computer between our ears.
And yes, I’ve studied many ways to help people become smoke free, among other things, so I bring a toolbox, not just a hammer, to our session, making sure it fits your needs.

4) What about Patches, Drugs and Acupuncture?
Studies show:
“Regular” hypnosis is 30% effective
Acupuncture is 22% effective
Patches, Gums & Drugs are 12% effective.

Which is why the protocol I use, a combination of advanced hypnotic techniques and a neurological reset system is so superior!
Studies show that it is 95% successful in one session .. no cravings or withdrawals, admiration from family and friends, saving money and better health!
After all I offer a Lifetime Guarantee…something I couldn’t do if it didn’t work so well, could I?

5) What happens?
First I have you fill out a brief form so I know the “kind” of smoker you are…emotional, habitual, etc.

And of course, find out if you really want to quit or not!

Then we set your appointment, go through the process and just like that, you are a non-smoker!

6) Will I become a “jerk” to others who smoke around me?
Not usually. We only work on you becoming a non-smoker and well, non-smokers don’t typically do that.
EX-smokers do that, sure, but you’ll be a non-smoker, so not really.

7) How much does it cost?
I charge $500.  Yes.  Because it works and I don’t have a problem giving you a Lifetime Guarantee about that.
Just think being a nonsmoker means that you just gave yourself a raise of over $2500 per year!  What could you do with an extra $2500 in your pocket every year?
That’s $25,000+ in ten years!

I hope that gets your major questions answered!  If not, just ask and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can with an answer.

Again, I look forward to helping you achieve your freedom!

Let’s connect so you can restart the next part of you life, free from tobacco.

All the best, always!

Dennis Dormady